Ohayo people! Yesterday, I decided to make some onigiri after watching this vid . Bought the ingredients after eating out with Belle,Cat & Leona at Pan Mee. Glutinous rice was hard to find at first because the supermarkets only sold it in sacks & I only wanted to buy 1kg or so. So I decided to call my mom to for help. Long story short,I DID find the rice & a can of mayo tuna (for the fillings).
Following the instructions in the video,the onigiris turned out to be better than expected. They were edible,tasty & yes,it does not resemble a cannonball nor taste like one. :)
Then today,I decided to make my version of a bentou by following as much as this vid instructed. The sausage didn't really become "octopus" enough. And I forgot to make rabbit-shapped apples. Ngeeh,but still it tasted yummy enough for a amatuer like moi. Hehehe~