7th August 2011
Ok so we did not get turnt over the weekend. I just couldn't come up with a catchy title for this post.
Anyway, last weekend (6th August 2011 & 7th August) we had another "night-out" at Lelen's house. Mandy and I had to wait for a few hours for Lelen & the rest to get back from the town after sending Dini's printer to fix it. They came back bringing food from the bazaar which was in front of Sabindo Plaza. Only ate a few kebabs & murtabak since I already ate nasi briyani at Millah's after I got hungry while waiting for them to come back.
Food was yummeh & fulfilling.
That night,we went to Giant and I bought food stuff to make sushi (which turned out badly yesterday) and a few personal stuff.
Next stop,we went late night dining at this "gerai" called Nasi Lalap & ABC. Ordered nasi goreng ayam and watermelon juice because I was kinda famished :P Went back to Lelen's house feeling too exhausted to do the asdfghjml assignment for Study Skills =.=''.
The next day,after church..we went out to buy a few more stuff for the bazaar. And before we went back to the campus,we (Lion & Mandy couldn't join us cos they followed Bona to go back) bought food and drinks at the bazaar to eat in the campus for dinner.
**Note-to-self: Never buy more than 2 drinks. And don't buy too many murtabak.
I wonder if I miss out anything that happened last weekend.