23 March 2011

SPM 2010


And I’m happy to say that I got better than what I’ve expected.

Overall,I have 6As 2Bs 1C and.. 1E. I don’t care what them muthafckrs gotta say about my Cs and E coz I struggled for those grades and Lord knows what I had to do to gain them and I thank God & praise Jesus for letting me pass Add Maths & Chemistry.

I targetted 5As and prayed that I didn’t get any Gs which is equivalent to F in US academic standard for failure. Rechecking my +Maths paper is not my top priority coz I’m afraid of jinxing it to a G so no thanks,Teacher Ma. I was also afraid of not getting an A+ for English but turns out,I aced it :)

Suffice to say I am relieved and my parents accepted my results and was slightly impressed. I will further my studies for TESL *if can*. I’m not aiming to go for medical/science oriented studies/work coz that’s not in my field & truly not my passion. So instead I’ll be teaching stuff at school and become an awesome teacher one day *LULZ*

Anyways,kudos to my classmates who got straight As ;) You guys are so smart I don’t even know why I’m in the same class as you.