21 October 2012

page 295 of 366

Family went to pick me at the airport. 

Dad dropped us at the Convent coz he was going back to the church for a ceremony. Visited my Grandmadre and stayed there for awhile til my dad returned.

View of the St.Michael church from the Convent's backyard.

Anyways my cat gave birth *again* to 2 adorable kittens. I hope they will live long enough to grow into big kitties :D I want more cats in the house.

14 October 2012

page 287 of 366

Decided to do Sir Jack a favor by helping him with the drinks stall for the football tournament today. Didn't really do as much as the other senior's stall cos all we had to do was sell canned drinks *lolz*, still can't figure out why Sir Jack needed the extra help with such a small thing. Anyway, today's weather cooperated with the players although slightly cruel because it was incredibly sunny with only brief moments of cloudiness.

There were LOTS of people (guys mostly *cough*). Supposedly they came from all over Tawau and Semporna for the tournament. 

Pardon me,but I see no resemblance.

you gotta admire the effort of some of the players who came from a really far place by using a motorbike only. these were only a bunch of 'em.

Ahh, my souvenier for the day. makes you think twice before rolling up your sleeves under the hot sun.

God it feels good to blog. It has been ages since I posted anything related to what I did for the entire day.

09 October 2012

semester 3 so far

This blog lacks so much updates that I wonder why I still have it around and still expect the page views (and followers *sob*) to increase everyday.
Been meaning to post a thing or two about what's been going on so far with my life since my bestfriends back home rarely get to hear from me. But I fear whatever I post would be too mundane or too controversial. And I avoid blogging when I have anger bursts (which occurs more often these days) because I kid you not, blogging in fury will always,always be a bad thing to do, since you'll elaborate too much to give people more reasons to hate/judge/isolate you. Source: Personal experience.
Truth be told, a lot of things have happened. Things that I have never expected to happen to me 2 years ago when I was just a home-bound, anti-social schoolgirl *those were the days*. 
I went through a lot of drama, met a lot of people, had a great time with the people I love and learned a handful of lessons along the way.
I know its still to early to say that I've learned a lot but having to go through with so many things in a short period of time overwhelms me sometimes. Both in good and bad ways. Sometimes,it scares me because I might become someone that I would swear I'd never be in a million years :/ *palis,palis org Dusun bilang*

Anyways, we've got an exam coming up before we could get our asses back home for the end of the year holidays. 
I should get started.