12 August 2013


As you probably have noticed, I stopped doing the July blog challenge. I didn't even get past challenge #15 which is such a shame because I made the challenge myself. I was caught up in a lot of things (trip,movie nights and assignment) and when I had the time,the wifi threw a tantrum by going at the speed of a tortoise.
So I came to a conclusion that I am not good with being tied to conditions ( and deadlines ) when it comes to writing and blogging. I'll just post according to my whim and convenience from now on. Cos its not like I have followers that demand for regular updates anyway. Ha.


here's another blog topic mix to blog about. 
There aren't any deadlines this time. No fixed days on when you should post it. Originally from here and the images below are designed by her.
You would probably love this if you're a music junky (like me).
so knock yourself out :)